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Body Language of Nawaz Sharif

From the Blog pkhope Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif entered the White House after a long gap of 14 years. A lot has changed since he last visited White House in 1999 amid a war between India and Pakistan. What happens behind closed doors does not become public until many years after when the leaders are either out of power or have a reason to disclose any specific information. General public is just told the broad context and even then the things that they most like to hear. One can only guess from the appearances and body language of the heads of governments, what went behind the closed doors and that is precisely what we would try to scrutinize. This meeting was the first between Prime Minister Sharif and President Obama and is considered by many a significant event in the bilateral relations. Thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6088000942386802864 Pakistani Blog Posts


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