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The Divine Domain

From the Blog pkhope Islam alone is the Divine, Original and Universal Order and the Entire Universe has been its Realm from the beginning. Apart from Divine Testaments all the proven history has also confirmed that all the Prophets PBUT having been assigned by the Allah Almighty since the creation for preaching and teaching Islam. None among the nations could claim or challenge this fact, for all the Prophets PBUH have asserted and pronounced as such in spite of all the immense defiance and denial to go along with. The unprecedented ordeals and severe agonies were apart. All the Divine Testaments; The Holy Original Sacred Scriptures of Prophet Ibrahim PBUH (c. 2300BC -1800BC), The Holy Original Torah, (c. 1392-1272 BCE) (aka Old Testament, Talmud and Pentateuch), The Holy Original Psalm (c. 1pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5592588867972026473 Pakistani Blog Posts


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