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After Effects CS6 Vs. Motion 5: The Ultimate Motion Graphics Showdown

From the Blog paktelecom Adobe and Apple—two titans in the persistently competitive world of motion graphics and animation, both with new editing and composition programs to push. Adobe has the impressive After Effects CS6 and Apple has the equally dazzling Motion 5. Unsurprisingly, both companies assert that what they have to offer is superior in versatility, speed, and cost. But how do they compare? Let's take a closer look at the features and details of each contender in this motion graphics showdown. [image: corbis 42 27347534 After Effects CS6 Vs. Motion 5: The Ultimate Motion Graphics Showdown] *In This Corner We Have After Effects CS6* Adobe's After Effects CS6 has a number of flashy but also functional new features which will wow users. *3D Improvements* This will most likely be one of the bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4227243327327408165 Pakistani Blog Posts


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