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Conversations with History: Howard Zinn on America's Good War

From the Blog sarahinsouthkoreapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Semantic Irrelevance

From the Blog pakteahouse By Ayush Khanna Kashmir has been on the boil at regular intervals for a long time now and every time it is, it pleads for attention and coherently states that the status quo is unacceptable and cannot perpetuate. The state has been an innocent victim of the juvenile nationalisms of India and Pakistan. But that is only the pretext behind which the two states hide their positions on Kashmir, with the main reason being the primary resource of the valley – water. The emphasis has been Kashmir the state, the land and not Kashmiris the people, a fact well known to them. In the wake of the recent Ramban killings, Kashmiris ask the often repeated questions, "Why are the Indian people silent?" "Where is the Delhi protest we would like to see for Kashmir?" These questions are of coursepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Stand Tall

From the Blog iabhopal Expect nothing, and you will never be disappointed You can stand tall without standing on someone pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4335897712850259511 Pakistani Blog Posts


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