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Saudis and Expats had a Family Day at Saudi Culture Exhibition in Riyadh

From the Blog pkhope On the eve of the 83rd Saudi National Day, Ministry of Culture and Information hosted a cultural exhibition at King Fahd Cultural Center in Riyadh. It was inaugurated with great fan-n-fare on Monday 23rd September by the Emir of Riyadh - Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. The exhibition lasted for four days and closed on Thursday. During these four days it saw more than 5000 Saudis and Expats visiting the exhibition with their family and friends. The exhibition had a number of stalls – all manned by young and enthusiastic Saudi men and women including young school kids. Many were seen attired in green color costumes representing the Saudi national flag. One another important feature of this exhibition was the display of hosts of rare and historic pictures of thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4191372066315516540 Pakistani Blog Posts


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