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The Earth Quacked

From the Blog dailylahorepost [image: quack]The earth continues to speak. This time it roared and we had an earthquake in Pakistan. Parts of Balochistan and Sindh were hit. I remember Faiz Ahmed Faiz famous poetic words of Hum Daikhain Gai. He wrote: Ye Dharti Dharr Dharr Dharkai Ge and I translate: The earth will roar and continue roaring. Since I like connecting the dots, I couldn't help but notice the timing of the quake. A time when our poet lover CM of Balochistan Dr Abdul Malik Baloch was at Faiz Ahmed Faiz' festival in London our Balochi brothers, sisters, daughters and sons died. A deathly coincidence it might be but one that continues baffling the mind, heart body and soul. Death toll might rise, God Forbid. The CM has cut his visit short and is going to fly back today. Balochistan, a land full opakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Tum Hosla Mat Haaro, Hum Saath Tumharay Hain.

From the Blog raafay-awan A song dedicated to the flood and earthquake victims of Pakistan by Jawad Ahmad. Shows the suffering of all the people who are and were affected by these terrible disasters. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8625833816763636084 Pakistani Blog Posts


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