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QuickOffice Mobile App is now free for android and iOS

From the Blog pakwing [image: QuickOffice Mobile App is now free for android and iOS] QuickOffice is a Mobile App for Android and iOS, which lets you open, edit and create Office files such as .DOC , .PPT, ,XLS files. Recently QuickOffice Inc. is owned by Google, and Google makes this app free for Both Android and iOS. there are a lot of Office apps available in Android App Store and Apple Itunes, some are free and some are Paid, but QuickOffice is the best among them. QuickOffice Pro version is Now Removed from Google App Store, you can check this link, The link is Dead now. The free Availability of Quick Office for iOS makes iOS users very happy, as this App can save the £79.99 of users, because the iOS users are likely to use Microsoft Office App which requires £79.99 of yearly subscription. Qupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8654995056898202225 Pakistani Blog Posts


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