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Javed Ibrahim Paracha is Teddy Bear of Chaudhry Nisar

From the Blog pkhope After talking with some of the sources in Islamabad, I came to learn that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is as surprised as the media and the top leadership of military about the claims of some Javed Ibrahim Paracha about acting as go-between the government and the Taliban for the peace process. It was all Chaudhry Nisar's play, which was ill-thought, badly designed and awfully executed. So bad was the plan, that even the Taliban terrorists sidelined themselves from this Paracha. Paracha is jumping from one talk show to the next and then to the next telling his life stories and the way he is acting as the life saver for the Pakistan. Meanwhile, he is also glorifying the terrorists and giving impression that they are ruling Pakistan from Zob to Chitral. After Sikandar of Islamabpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5764215671787401750 Pakistani Blog Posts


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