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Dust Clouds and Rainy Days

From the Blog kinzahmed The truth of the matter is I have no idea what to blog about. I am the same person, sure, with the same amount of thoughts, but I also change. Hence I have decided to jump right into it and wing it, if you'll bare with me. Everyone lies, we know that pretty well by now. But what is it about lying that just puts us down or sets us off? Is it the dishonesty? Most probably. But we are all dishonest in our day to day life, in the small things we do, when we interact with other people etc. But then we also differentiate between lies and 'white' lies. Now white lies are where the person lying has innocent or not malicious intentions behind. Then there are different kinds of people, some will not lie at all, some will hide but not lie, some will lie to get revenge or the usual bad ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5510508169000035247 Pakistani Blog Posts


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