Reality Romanticized: The journey so far
From the Blog iamzeeshanI think I'll start from the beginning, because that's how it usually works, right? One fine day, last year in April, a person mentioned me on Twitter. She said that she really liked the blog post I wrote on Manto. Of course I was humbled. She also wanted to *publish* the post in her E-magazine, *Reality Romanticized*. I can't describe what exactly my feelings were at that moment, but I do remember being ecstatic! That was one defining moment. Apart from that, I really liked the magazine. Its feel was really different, and something you don't often see in Pakistan's literary landscape. The article was (re)published in May 2012. That was a milestone. What I didn't know was, that two other milestones were in queue. Between May and June a writing competition was arranged. Realitypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Zamastami hawa main garchay thi shamsheer ki taizi, Bal-e-Jibril-037
From the Blog hameem-h*Zamastani hawa main garchay thi shamsheer ki taizi* * * *(écrits en Europe) * *Même si le vent d'Europe était aussi coupant que le tranchant d'une épée* *Ne put altérer mes habitudes du réveil matinale (se lever tôt). * *A des endroits mes discours enthousiastes étaient le clou des rassemblements* *A d'autres endroits ma réserve laissait perplexes les gens. * *Il ne suffit pas de donner la bride de l'ordre (la direction) aux ouvriers, * *L'employeur, à la manière de Parvaiz (Roi D'Iran), toujours trouvera d'autres moyens de l'exploiter. * *Que ce soit sous la splendeur de monarchie ou sous le théâtre démocratique* *Si la politique et la religion sont séparées, il ne reste que le massacre de Changaiz. * *L'Histoire de Rome me rappelle Delhi* *La même apprentissage (leçons), la mêmpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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