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Off babysitting fun and good therapy

From the Blog milk-n-cookies My three-year-old cousin came over for a sleepover a few weeks ago. It was sort of a sleepover- babysitting mix since she's quite young and we have to be careful she doesn't get lonely or starts missing her mom. It is always good to spend a chunk of your time with a toddler every once in a while. Makes you look at things a little differently, alters perspectives and brings out the quirky, silly side of you as you put aside all your worries, deadlines and just immerse yourself in the wonderful world of legos, nursery rhymes and hide n' seek. Ah, the best things in life! It is really good therapy :) an effective detoxification of all negative thoughts and frustrations that usually surround us. Provided - of course - that the kid you spend time with is not a nasty spoiled brat, thrpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

3 Days to Remember (The Last Jalsa Salana in Rabwah)

From the Blog cybegeek *Today as the Jalsa UK 2013 is about to start , the mind is full of memories of moments spent. This time the focus of these memories is the Jalsa Salana that was held in Rabwah.* My memories are conflicted between two emotions, one is filled with the beautiful mements of Jalsa Rabwah and the second is the fire of longing that burns in my heart which is reignited when I start to remember, its like a thirst which cannot be replenished & the reason for that is, like so many others I am of that generation which has not witnessed the Jalsa Rabwah in its full glory. There are a few vague memories, which are blurred by the limitations of childhood. Going through the streets of Rabwah when one passes in front of the different *Langar Khanas* in every *Mohallah* of Rabwah one cannot hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6151314003540858757 Pakistani Blog Posts


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