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Singaporean Photographer Edwin Koo: Views from Pakistan to Kathmandu

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Describing himself as an "accidental photographer," Edwin Koo is an award-winning Singaporean documentary photographer who produces work that is striking and evocative. So much so that his body of work on Swat, Pakistan, titled *Paradise Lost: Pakistan's Swat Valley*, won him the Getty Images Grant for Editorial Photography in 2010. In an interview with *The Diplomat*, Koo speaks about the importance of getting out of one's comfort zone, his love for Kathmandu, Nepal, and his exciting, annual photography masterclass, Kathmandu INSIDE:OUT, due to take place this December. [image: Edwin Koo] Edwin Koo *You were a news photographer for a few years until you branched out as an independent documentary photographer. What prompted the career jump? * News photograppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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