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Propositions and Rational Belief

From the Blog awaisaftabCoursera: *Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy* *Hannes Leitgeb and Stephan Hartmann* *Personal notes from lectures of Week 3: Rational Belief* *(These are personal summaries and paraphrasings of some of the major points of the lectures that I felt to be important. They are not meant to be comprehensive records nor intended to be reproductions of copyright materials. I encourage you to participate in the course for better understanding.)* *Propositions and Possible Worlds* Propositions are true or false at possible worlds, with one of these possible worlds being the actual world. It is possible to show that worlds are identical if and only if the same propositions are true at them; and propositions are identical if and only if they are true at the same worlds. Propositions pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7094161947747960616 Pakistani Blog Posts


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