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From Global Bad Boy to Regional Good Guy: Pakistan Overhauls Its Image

From the Blog pakistanisforpeace By Wajahat S. Khan and Henry Austin for NBC News [image: pak 1] ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan — In the post 9/11 world, Pakistan came of age as a global bad boy: A corrupt, barely democratic, nuclear-armed haven of international militancy that was two-faced in its dealings with the outside world when it came to the war on terror. Its reputation fell further in 2011 when U.S intelligence agencies discovered Osama bin Laden living a family life in leafy Abbottabad — not far from Pakistan's version of West Point. Islamabad was accused of "two-timing the U.S. while taking its aid" and giving shelter to the world's most-wanted terrorist as well as allowing its territory to be used as a launchpad by militants targeting Western troops across the border in Afghanistan. But that image is chanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Subha bakhair :) May Allahs guidance and protection save us from evil. Ameen.

From the Blog fariyalm [image: Subha bakhair :) May Allahs guidance and protection save us from evil. Ameen.] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1718474297870689851 Pakistani Blog Posts


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