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From the Blog syedaabidabokhari - Right now I am just sitting in my office, and doing nothing, technically. For a few days, I don't feel like working. I have loads of work to do though. Today, in particularly, I feel so thirsty and so hungry. I don't why. I don't think I don't really have a reason to be this hungry or thirsty. I haven't worked much lately. I haven't shopped since ages. I haven't been going out with friends for a long time. I haven't done anything that should make me feel so tired and sluggish. Umm, I hear the office boy just went out to get my food. Err, sorry for breaking the tempo. I am starving. I don't know why. May be I need to drink water that would curtail this feeling. But I forgot my water bottle at home today. OF ALL THE DAYS, WHY IN THE WORLD, I HAD TO FORGET IT TODAY? WHY? WHY? Wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7684641876942099064 Pakistani Blog Posts


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