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Alarming Legacy of Gen Zia and Gen Musharraf

From the Blog pkhope Both actually were two sides of the same counterfeit coin, both were high grade hypocrites! The former earned extraordinary notoriety as clerical hypocrite the later as secular. One can dissent with Z A Bhutto a thousand times but there is no denial of the facts that his government was democratically elected one and he was a bold patriot and capable of coping with the country, region, Muslim World and the world at large! Now this has also dawned upon all and sundry that his government was toppled at US behest and he was punished for his abilities and not at all for any shortcoming! Had he not toppled Bhutto government all the worst and nastiest scenarios Pakistan has been confronted with and Pakistan has been facing since then, won't have occurred! Gen Zia regionalized Pakpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7450847503717428118 Pakistani Blog Posts


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