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I am different!

From the Blog ashesallaround Now please do not tell me you have not said this phrase to someone at some point in your life, you must have? *Haina?* Yes, you have. You are nodding your head now. What did you get to hear when you said this to the other person? Was the other person *kind*? Did they reply, 'It's okay, i can understand'. Was the other person *rude*? Did they reply, 'Uhh, go away, i don't want to know what you think or feel'. Were they *indifferent*? Did they say, 'I don't care'. Were they *concerned*? Did they put a hand on your shoulder and looked at you sympathetically? Want to know what i got to hear when i told someone that "i am different!" I was told, "Don't talk to me in English". I stood there staring at her in disbelief, for an eternity, it seems now. I still am in a state of shock. Even inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1256552843968506341 Pakistani Blog Posts


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