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The Power Of A Deed

From the Blog the-perfect-line I am thrilled to experience the power of a deed that we humans carry. You are more susceptible to this knowledge once you step out of comfort zone. I recently moved country. The experience was exciting as well as a little stressful. The stressful part of this journey lied in fear of the unknown. But what made my husband's and my heart confident was the fact that we had a loving family and a really good meaning group of friends behind. When you live outside your hometown, you have this family-like feeling for people belonging to the same place as you. A common city makes the bond seem stronger; an old classmate or an old colleague even closer. Such was our case. We had an amazing group of friends that were also like a very cool support system. The love and care we shared with thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Aaj Ka Cartoon......

From the Blog feicartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1889700341013732632 Pakistani Blog Posts


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