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Mobilink has increased Operational Fee on Prepaid Recharge from 1st July 2013

From the blog fmcommunication [image: mobilink-har-dil-har-din] Mobilink has increased the amount of operational fee from 2-percent to 5-persent on all types of Mobilink prepaid account recharge including Mobilink load (Jazz load) and Mobilink scratch card load. This increment in operational fee (in addition to already applicable Taxes, charges and fees) is applicable form 1st of July, 2013. Here's a message aired by Mobilink for its subscribers: *Effective from 1st July 2013, the operational fee of 5% will be applicable on every recharge.* *Back in November 2011 Mobilink aired this Message*: Dear Mobilink Customer, from now onwards 5% service charges (on recharge face value) will be applicable on all recharges via Mobilink Load or scratch card. 19.5% FED and 10% Advance Income Tax apply on all charges. 2pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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