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Saad Rafique is not Responsible for Derailments

From the Blog pkhope On July 8, 2013 in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, Canada, more than 15 people died and several went missing after a train derailment. Jul 25, 2013, yes yesterday, at least 77 people have been killed after a train derailed in the northern Spanish region of Galicia. On July 12, 2013, six people died and 22 others were badly hurt when a train left the rails and ploughed into a station platform south of the French capital Paris. Now in Pakistan, a train got derailed yesterday and 2 people died, and all of them were encroachers standing very close to the track. The point is that train derailment is not something very rare or unusual thing to happen. It happens in the most devopled countries of the world and still is happening over there. No minister resigns and no bashing is done. A calm,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8911263853613119050 Pakistani Blog Posts


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