Betrayal Made US a Sole Victory Trophy Winner
From the Blog pkhope Abbotabad commission reports comes on surface but ironically puts no blame on any single authority responsible for not knowing that how Osama Binladen the prime target in 'War on Terror' remained in hiding in Pakistan in that compound for so long and why the US Seal Airborne raid on compound could not be detected? The Commission Report failed to reveal that; was Osama Binladen really hiding there without the knowledge of the intelligent agencies or he was being kept there by ISI in a safe House. Or The setup of the strong CIA network in Pakistan had eventually traced him out and thus orchestrated this stealth raid on Abbotabad compound and took the prime target of WOT away? Or he was being kept there as Victory trophy to spring him up at an appropriate time to claim a jpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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