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BNP Mengal Joins Political Stream

From the Blog pkhope A very refreshing news has poured in from the restive Baluchistan province of Pakistan. Another nationalist party has joined the parliamentary politics by announcing their intention to take oath and sit in the Baluchistan assembly. Akhtar Mengal led Baluchistan National Party (BNP) will sit in opposition. So both the ruling and the opposition main parties will be nationalists in the newly elected provincial assembly of this backward province. This will isolate those nationalist militants who have taken up arms and are in the mountains and fighting against the state. Their isolation would mean that it would be easier than previously to bring them to the negotiations table. With the trial of former dictator Musharraf for the treason and Akbar Bugti murder, those militant natiopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8653207898494156989 Pakistani Blog Posts


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