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Soothing Baluchistan

From the Blog pkhope Participation of overwhelming majority of the people of Baluchistan in the electoral process indicates that the province is back to the flock of Pakistani nation-hood. Now it's a matter of consolidating these political gains and converting them into a viable plan of action; indeed a task easier said than done. Political gains achieved through the elections are of monumental significance; these are fragile, yet not reversible. Electoral enthusiasm in Baluchistan had sent dooms day message to the marginalised outfits which rely on militancy to keep a perpetual fear of insecurity intact in the largest province of Pakistan. Their pay masters also got worried. To show their presence, these entities were quick to react. Mind boggling incidents of terrorism in Quetta on June15, whicpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2721234741282920151 Pakistani Blog Posts


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