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Anonymity is Key for Good Governance

From the Blog pkhope The notion of good governance gyrates around the efficient decision making through which masses are benefited instead of a select few. Good governance is a holistic paradigm which stands on the pillars like lack of corruption, transparency in appointments, rule of law, efficient and accountable management of public sector organizations, and just interaction with the private sector. During a good governance; persons don't matter, only decisions matter. Good governance is all about making or not making decisions given an impending challenge. There are strong hints of Pakistan lumbering towards the path of good governance in a haphazard way lately. These signs are welcome, but lots more need to be done. Decentralization of power to the provinces is a good step as its one cornepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1686496595808667920 Pakistani Blog Posts


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