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No Elections for Balochistan

From the Blog safarnameh ** this article is scheduled for publication in the August 2013 issue of Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Subscription to the digital copy is only $10 a year; print is only $44 a year! I highly recommend it as an excellent source of progressive political reporting and analysis on South Asia and the Middle East! —— Recent assessments of Pakistan's newly inaugurated Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, frequently declare him a changed man. Raised out of obscurity by the brutal junta of General Zia ul Haq, and hailing from a conservative industrialist background that was unfamiliar with national politics, Sharif was long seen as bound to the military by both ideology and expediency. However, the abortion of his democratic term by the military coup of General Pervez Musharraf inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9152867414972025456 Pakistani Blog Posts


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