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Mobilink new look and a new brand philosophy: Touching Har Dil, Har Din

From the Blog fmcommunication[image: Mobilink new logo 2013]Mobilink Pakistan has announced the launch of its new look and a new brand philosophy *"Touching Har Dil, Har Din"*. Mobilink now goes Red. Mobilink officially announces this on Satarday 15 June, 2013. Mobilink redesigned its brand logos and also revamped its websites. The new Mobilink has a new bolder mark with a strong and positive outlook from a confident and optimistic leader. The new Mobilink will continue leading the way by bringing people together through service excellence and product innovation. Our employees act as one with our customers in order to create a better everyday. Mobilink. Being One. [image: mobilink har dil har din] Over the last 18 years, Mobilink has set up one of the largest cellular networks in Pakistan. Currently, Mopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4248032236748792795 Pakistani Blog Posts


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