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Shahbaz says will eliminate electricity from Pakistan

From the Blog columnpkAddressing a PML-N gathering, the PML-N leader said that he will eliminate the electricity from the country in two years.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Truth about Musharraf's Trials

From the Blog naseemmahnavi Retired army chief and ex-president Pervez Musharraf is incarcerated in his own farm house pending trials against various charges brought about in citizen's appeals before superior judiciary. These are as follows: 1. Treason by way of abrogation of the constitution of Pakistan: There is a document signed by him in the form of the "provisional constitutional order" which is a material proof, but in the absence of legislation including the offence in the penal code, the matter is open to debate and the punishment will have to be assessed as a new precedent. The justices will also have to take into account the intention behind the act. As for his accomplices, people he consulted before issuing the order cannot be charged as abettors. He may even have prayed to God for guidancpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3900448278947944131 Pakistani Blog Posts


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