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Solitude Pasandi.

From the Blog raafay-awan Solitude means loneliness and pasandi means "preferring". "Solitude pasandi" is love of loneliness instead of social gatherings. It never meant to be like this. This couldn't be My even inadvertent end. Wake up in the morning, make a lot of noise, make a delicious breakfast then walk in the wet grass. Embarrass the dawn, rubbing my cheek against the sun rays and say «Hello morning!» . After a quick shower along with my still wet hair, a pair of glasses and my bicycle. Cold air freshening you up, for a long cheerful day. A colleague offering coffee, some reports finale, a particularly hilarious client, a balloon at the top of building next to my office, a violinist charming music at lunchtime, etc. Happiness used to be in those little events that usually make a day. Enjoymepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8679741450073412891 Pakistani Blog Posts


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