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Girl Friend Coat for the forever alone

From the Blog cheers4all Do you have a girl friend? No. Are you recognized as forever alone in your community of friends or special gatherings? If yes, then this coat is definitely meant for you. The coat has been invented by a Japanese student from the University of Tsukuba have and has been recognized as "girlfriend coat".This coat will [...] The post Girl Friend Coat for the forever alone appeared first on Cheers4all . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Warid Launches Prepaid to Postpaid Balance Transfer

From the Blog propakistaniAnother Industry First by Warid: Launch's 'Prepaid to Postpaid'Balance Transfer Service After successful launch of 'Post to Prepaid' and 'Post to Post' balance transfer services, WaridTelecom today announces the launch of another industry first 'Prepaid to Postpaid Balance Transfer, through which Warid users can transfer balance from a Warid Prepaid or Glow number to a Warid Postpaid number. With the launch of this service, all [...]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Pervez Musharraf arrested

From the Blog paknews [image: Pervez Musharraf]Former President General (retd) Pervez Musharraf was arrested by police early on Friday and presented before judicial magistrate amid tight security. Dismissing his interim bail extension plea in judges' confinement case, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday had ordered to arrest him. His private security guards, however, had managed to take him at his farmhouse in Chak Shahzad. *» Inline Ad Purchase:* Intext Link The post Pervez Musharraf arrested appeared first on Pak News. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8820509720939755189 Pakistani Blog Posts


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