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Three now selling Motorola Defy Plus

From the Blog smaculaBy Sami Mughal Want an Android, don't want to pay much, and would like it to be rugged, water proof and scratch proof? Three have the answer as they offer you the Motorola Defy Plus. Starting from £10 a month, this phone packs in the Android basics, though it does run on Android 2.3 rather than the latest version. Read the full Press Release below for more details: The Motorola DEFY+ is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Camus: An Almost-Christian?

From the Blog awaisaftabThe prospect that Albert Camus may have been considering converting to Christianity in the years before his death is something that makes me very uneasy, as an avid admirer (though not necessarily a subscriber) of his philosophy of the absurd. The dubious information comes to us from a memoir written by Howard Mumma, an American minister in the United Church of America, narrating his private conversations with Camus. This has been well reviewed in this article 'The outsider who almost came in' by Greg Clarke, which I would recommend the readers to go through. It is unlikely, to my mind, that Mumma would have made the whole thing up. I am inclined to believe there is *some* truth to it, but I am sure Mumma has inadvertently projected his own eagerness onto Camus and has reconstrucpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3256232921144427843 Pakistani Blog Posts


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