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Highest Mountains of Pakistan

From the Blog raafay-awan *This article is a part of Peaceful Pakistan Project in which we look at the top mountains of Pakistan. Thanks to EinfoPedia.* * * K2 Picture *K2* Mountain is located in the Karakorum Range and it is the highest mountain of Pakistan. This is Pakistan's first and the world's second highest peak. It reaches 28250 ft (8,611 meters), and lies partly in china and partly in the Pakistani-administered region of Kashmir. In 1954 the Italians Achille Comagnoni and Line Lacedell become the first climbers to reach its summit. The glacier and snow-covered mountain rises from its base at about 15000 ft on the Godwin Austen Glacier, a tributary of the Baltoro Glacier. The first woman who reached the summit was Wanda Rutkiewicz of Poland, in 1986. Nanga Parbat Picture *Nanga Parbatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7481573047302410236 Pakistani Blog Posts


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