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PTCL Posts Rs.3.33 Billion Profit for Q1 2013

From the blog propakistaniPakistan Telecommunication Company Limited posted Rs. 3.33 billion profit for quarter ending March 31st, 2013, up from Rs. 2.39 billion during the same period last year, registering a whooping 39.22 per cent increase all thanks to increased international incoming call rates. PTCL said that its revenues stood at Rs. 32.18 billion, showing an increase of 13.89 percent in the first quarter when compared it with [...]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pervez Musharraf ruled out of general elections

From the blog paknews [image: Pervez Musharraf]Former President General (retd) Pervez Musharraf has been ruled out of the contention of general elections after his nomination papers were rejected from all four constituencies. The Election Tribunal in Peshawar on Tuesday approved the appeal against the acceptance of his candidacy from NA-32 Chitral. Earlier, on the same day, the Election Tibunal in Rawalpindi had rejected his nomination papers for NA-139 Kasur and NA-48 Islamabad. The former military dictator had appealed against the dismissal of his nomination papers from NA-48 by the returning officer. The Election Tribunal, however, upheld returning officer's decision and dismissed his appeal. Musharraf's candidature for NA-250 Karachi has already been rejected. His lawyers said that he is plannpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PM Khoso's Reply to 'You R With Us or Not'?

From the blog pkhope When they were deciding upon the name of caretaker prime minister, the last thing they expected as the would-be challenge for that person is to answer the infamous question ask by US administration from Pakistani incharge when some thing goes bad at US mainland. I feel sorry for the Prime Minister Khoso. I really do. Just picture in your imagination him being drowsing in an uncomfortable half-awake sleep of late eighties, under heavy influence of all kinds of drugs and coping with receding pains. And then him being jolted to a baffled awakening by his secretary in order to tell him that Obama wants to talk to him. Him being asking, 'Obama Who"? What do you think he would say if Obama or any one from Washington asks him after Bostom blasts that whether he is with US or he is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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