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Telecom Consumers Registered 33,310 Complaints With PTA During 2012

From the Blog propakistaniPakistan Telecommunication Authority has said that it received 33,310 complaints from users against telecom operators during FY2012, out of which 99 percent complaints were addressed and resolved. PTA said that telecom consumers registered these complains through various channels, i.e., online, email (, hotline (0800-55055), written complaints and faxes sent to PTA headquarter addresses and zonal offices. These consumer complaints were against cellular operators, fixed line, [...]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

دو ماؤں اور ایک باپ کا ٹیسٹ ٹیوب بچہ؟

From the Blog hakeemkhalid اس تکنیک کے مضمرات اگلی نسلوں تک جائیں گے برطانیہ ایسا ملک بننے کے قریب ہے جہاں پہلی بار تین افراد سے بچے پیدا کرنے کی اجازت دے دی جائے گی۔ انسانی فرٹیلائزیشن اور ایمبریولاجی کے ادارے ایچ ایف ای اے نے حکومت کو صلاح دی ہے ایسی کوئی شہادت نہیں ہے کہ ٹیسٹ ٹیوب بچوں کی تخلیق کا یہ جدید ترین طریقہ غیرمحفوظ ہے۔ ادارے کے اس بیان کا مطلب ہے کہ اب اس تکنیک کے لیے 'عوامی حمایت' حاصل ہے کیوں کہ اس کے فوائد نقصانات سے زیادہ ہیں۔ اس معاملے پر حتمی فیصلے کا اختیار وزیروں کے پاس ہے۔ اگر یہ تکنیک منظور کر لی جائے تو اس سے ہر سال چند خاندانوں کو فائدہ ہو گا۔ ہر ساڑھے چھ ہزار میں سے ایک بچے کو مخصوص پیدائشی بیماریاں لاحق ہو جاتی ہیں جنھیں 'مائٹوکانڈریل' بیماریاں کہا جاتا ہے جو جان لیوا ہو سکتی ہیں۔ تحقیق سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ کسی عطاکنندہ (ڈونر) کے بیضے سے مائٹوکانڈریا حاصل کر کے اس بیماری سے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Is Pakistan a Failed State?

From the Blog pkhope The country that was once referred to by Joe Biden during the 2008 US Presidential campaign as a 'dangerous' state, Pakistan has been fighting back such undeserving allegations. In the foreign media, the portrayal of Pakistan has been anything but pleasant. There is plenty to buttress their feeling that the country is indeed sinking into a deeper mess. They cite in particular the violence and other nefarious activities of extremist militant groups. They quote statistics that indicate that extremism and terrorist violence appears to be increasing overall, rather than declining. Some critics charge that these extremist groups 'are gaining more power and freedom to operate.' They argue that in the face of the Zardari administration's apparent unwillingness to clamp down hard onpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How I Snuck Into A VIP Event And Got Hit On By A Celebrity

From the Blog furreekattHello, fellow bloggers! Allow me to channel my inner Captain Obvious and state: it's been a long time. If there was an award for Most Blogging Hiatuses Ever, I would probably get it. I hope you guys didn't miss me too much. I've been pretty regular on Twitterthough, mostly because it involves just spurts of random stuff and nothing too coherent. I care a lot about you guys which is why I wait for something that I can write a lot about to share with you all, plus I enjoy the feeling I get when I type out something gigantic once in a while. I can't promise you that this 'once in a while' will come sooner and sooner, but believe me, abandoning this blog is definitely not part of the plan - so don't worry! ^ Yeah, that paragraph sounded like something an aunty would write. Whateverpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Parmesan-Parsley Crumbed Chicken served with Spinach

From the Blog cheflingtales This is one form of crumbed golden fried chicken that I am yet to have at any restaurant. The chicken is tender from inside with a crispy coating. The trick is to get the chicken cooked just enough yet not burn the crust. This recipe comes from the Master Kitchen class. You can serve it Continue reading «Parmesan-Parsley Crumbed Chicken served with Spinach » The post Parmesan-Parsley Crumbed Chicken served with Spinach appeared first on Chefling Tales. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Guide on Ethical Journalism

From the Blog fakihahassanrizviLecture on ethical Journalism.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4471296224009910793 Pakistani Blog Posts


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