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Make your very own chat box with ChatWing chat widget

From the Blog naseerahmadChatwing chat widget has been changing the flow of web traffic of the site owners using it from good to excellent. That's because it's more than just a simple chatting tool – it is a tool that connects you and your visitors while ensuring the credibility of your conversations with each other. Not only does [...] Other related articles ... - Wish all of u a very Happy Ramadan Mubarak - Troubles country folks have with computers - Google launches fonts services - New Year 2012 - PayPal rewards Pakistani student Rafay Baloch for reporting… pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Hire a bike at Oxford Train Station

From the Blog smacula Brompton have joined hands with Great Western Trains to give us rental bikes 24/7 at the Oxford Railway Station. The bikes on offer are the folding bikes from Brampton that we have come to know, love, or just accept as what the cool kids wearing ties and suits have while they travel on trains. This little vending machine can now be seen by the bike rack at the station: [image: 2013-02-20 17.18.32] As may or may not be visible from the picture above, you need to register first at and choose a tariff. This will give you a 4 digit pin number, and after that, every time you need to borrow a bike, you send a text with the dock number and your pin number and you get a number in response. Once you get that number, you enter it, and the bike is yours. Once donepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1760925353227005476 Pakistani Blog Posts


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