Google unveils Chromebook
From the blog paknews [image: Google CHromebook]Search engine giant Google is trying hard to establish its brand identity away from merely a search engine especially in hi-tech gadgets. In the latest bid Google has introduced "Chromebook", its 1 st touch enabled laptop. The latest machine from Google runs on its own operating system "Chrome" which failed to attract large number of PC owners. Chromebook has largely been built in-house by Google. Google Chromebook is built to challenge the authority of Apple's MacBook Pro with Retina display and comes with an Ivy Bridge processor by Intel, fast 4G LTE connectivity and an ultra-high-resolution screen. Chromebook's 32.64cm screen resolution is very similar MacBook Pro with Retina display. Such a resolution is aimed to have high enough pixel density so tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Volunteer Required for Team Ashiyana North Waziristan
From the blog ashiyanacamp Respected Friends, اسلام و علیکم Team Ashiyana is working for the poor, hunger and suffer of North Waziristan. Ashiyana Camp is an example presently at Miranshah, North Waziristan. We are looking for some local (Waziri, Pakhtoon) Volunteer to work and assist Team Ashiyana. We are working in Education Sector, Health and Food Supply. Interested personals who wants to be a part of Team Ashiyana, Miranshah, North Waziristan, Please feel free to contact at on the given; team.ashiyana@gmail.com s_adnan_ali_naqvi@yahoo.ca Who can be Volunteer? Age of above 18 years and holding Pakistani National Identity. Can Speak and understand Urdu, Waziri, Pashtoo / Persian language. Capable to stay in tents and work with the local in friendly environment. Local's are highly encourage to be volupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
شمالی وزیرستان ڈائری "بچوں کے لئے کچھ کرنے کا عزم"
From the blog waziristandairyمحترم دوستوں اور ساتھیوں اسلام و علیکم معزرت کے ساتھ کہ چند ذاتی وجوہات کی بنا پر نہ ڈائری لکھ پا رہا ہوں نہ ہی ٹیم آشیانہ کی فلاحی خدمات میں بھرپور حصہ لے پا رہا ہوں. میری والدہ شدید بیمار ہیں اور ایک مقامی اسپتال میں داخل ہیں آپ سب سے دعا کی درخواست ہے. کوشش کرتا ہوں کے جتنا وزیرستان کے اپنے تجربے کے بارے میں لکھ سکتا ہوں لکھوں. مجھ سے ہوئی کوئی بھی غلطی اور تاخیر کو معاف اور در گزر کریے گا. "آشیانہ کیمپ کو دتہ خیل سے میران شاہ منتقل کرنے کا ہمارا (کارکنان) کا فیصلہ بہت بروقت اور ٹھیک رہا. کیوں کے بعد کے حالات نے یہ سبط کیا کہ اگر ہم دتہ خیل میں مقیم رہتے تو ہمارے ساتھ ساتھ بہت اور لوگ جو آشیانہ کیمپ میں مقیم تھے مزید پریشانی کا شکار ہو سکتے تھے. مگر میرانشاہ آکر ہماری پریشانیاں ختم یا کم نہیں ہوئی بلکہ مزید اضافہ ہوا، کسی نئی جگہہ جا کر ایک دفع پھر سے فلاحی کیمپ کا آغاز pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Give Shutup Call to Saudi Arabia and Iran
From the blog pkhope In Indo-pak subcontinent , Shia and Sunni sects of Muslims are living for thousands of years in harmony. Why they are at loggerheads suddenly in Pakistan, and why this massacre from both sides? Quetta killings of Shias, and Karachi killings of Sunnis are nothing but a proxy war of Iran and Saudi Arabia in Pakistan. As the war among Arab block and Iranians is escalating in the Middle East, so is the proxy war in Quetta and Karachi is heating up in the Pakistan. Massive funding in terms of weapons and cash is being given to the respective sectarian groups by Iran and Kingdom of SA. Local groups in Pakistan are more loyal, or all loyal to their funding countries than the Pakistan. Pakistan is burning and melting away. We must say No to Iran and Saudia and we must ask them to gpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Egg Paratha- Zee's Favorite Breakfast
From the blog cheflingtales I had the pleasure of trying one of the most unique types of foods during my Hajj tour in 2009 and I still remember the best breakfast I had in the tents of Mina included 'Egg Paratha'. I came back to Pakistan and tried it myself and it was absolutely lovely. I still make it Continue reading «Egg Paratha- Zee's Favorite Breakfast» The post Egg Paratha- Zee's Favorite Breakfast appeared first on Chefling Tales. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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