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808 Pureview Turns Out to be The Last Symbian Phone from Nokia

From the Blog propakistaniThis is a bad news for the Symbian fans among us. After decades of working with the OS — which lead the mobile phone race by distance — Nokia has finally announced that it's ditching Symbian for Windows Phone OS. Needless to say, the decision was expected given the success of Lumia and Asha series of phones. Although the decision, I think, came quicker than [...]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Why I love Lahore School

From the Blog sajshiraziFrom the first visit to Lahore School, all the way through almost a decade now, I have amazing memories of why I love the place. It was right in the start when I found the joy of being at Lahore School. My … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Asma Jehangir Daughter Scandal on Social Media by PTI

From the Blog pkhope As soon as the consensus seems to be emerging between the PPP and PML-N over the name of Asma Jehangir as the next caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan, the social media stalwarts of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf have started spreading pictures of Asma and her daughter and their scandals on the social media. Asma Jehangir and her family are secular and broad minded and very liberal and very open. They are not the stereotype Muslims of Pakistan, rather they like to themselves liberal Muslims with openness. I personally don't subscribe to Asma's version of religion and am quite critical of her out of the way support for the India, but her honesty and integrity of character are without any blemish. She is upright and she is the lady who sticks to the principles. She has proven tracpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5683199265375114931 Pakistani Blog Posts


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