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TCF wins prestigious international award

From the Blog pakistanigoodnews( KARACHI: The Citizens Foundation TCF , Pakistan has won the prestigious Skoll Award, according to a statement on Friday. The Skoll Foundation announced the winners of its 2013 Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship SASEs on Thursday, it said. Chosen from hundreds of applicants, the award recognises a highly selective group of the world's most promisingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

To be a Shia in Pakistan

From the Blog razzita To be a Shia in Pakistan is to court death itself these days. There are literally countless stories out there like this one : - of lives ended too soon; of sole bread-earners of countless households taken away from their families mercilessly; and for what? These atrocities are such widespread now that all of us know somebody who has been a victim of this - a victim of this insane and barbaric killing spree by dogs let loose by the State willingly. Why is Malik Ishaq still allowed to hold rallies in Karachi and other parts of the country openly threatening action against the Shias? Why is that poison-spewing man even outside roaming our streets free? Why has he been let loose for "lack of evidenpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

New Foreskin!

From the Blog metalseinenForeskin, the Iron Markhor's resident thrashers, have posted two songs off their upcoming THVG EP. In true Foreskin fashion, the songs are heavy, riff intensive and are informed by hardcore punk. Check them out! Foreskin's THVG EP pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5297998516481790497 Pakistani Blog Posts


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