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Happiness is ours to Find and Cherish

From the Blog raafay-awan Sometimes for no apparent reason at all tears well up behind the eyes and all those unknown and muddled emotions find expression in a torrent of tears that fall from those troubles eyes. Without knowing why, you keep on weeping. You become withdrawn and distant, everything that was part of routine begins to appear strange and unwelcoming. We, without realizing, base our day to day happiness and contentment on hopes and dreams, and the belief that they would soon come true. Then one day suddenly the bitter reality starts to penetrate the thin curtains of dreams, and then finally the thread-like curtains get torn and we are blinded; blinded by the ugly picture life assumes at that moment. Those confusing and complex train of thoughts, triggered often by the littlest of thingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6392430010962526648 Pakistani Blog Posts


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