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Shahrukh Khan Talks About Being A Muslim In India

From the Blog pakistanihousewife The Hindu hatred for Muslims is an unspoken truth. BUT Pakistani Media are ready to be fooled and they will make their people pay for it. When no Pakistani program is allowed in the "free and secular' India our media is flooded with their adds and now Tv programs. The media claims that the reason behind all this is the public demand but if the public demands drugs…..will they be provided? The Pakistani media has a responsibility and they have to behave maturely. We do not want our future generations to become singers and dancers only! Anyway I am moving away from the news I wanted to share so we will discuss this in some other post. For lets see how a Muslim Star feels living in India. *The News-January 2013* Mumbai: Bollywood king Shahrukh Khan has exposed so-called secular pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 333833656365022571 Pakistani Blog Posts


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