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Post Doomsday

From the Blog borderlinegreen We are a very tentative people by nature. Since 21/12/2012 was widely believed to be the doomsday as predicted by a certain group of people calling themselves the Mayans, different nations and countries went about preparing for the doomsday. If we go by Hollywood, preparation would mean building huge arks to transport humanity into space, speeding up of plans to inhabit Mars, developing new species of plants and organisms to support human life etcetera etcetera, but we went about it in a different way. We had a more wholesome approach. Since 1947, we have lived each day as if it was the last and as if there would be no tomorrow to design or refine a system for. Take our Railways for example, our steel mills, our airlines, our road networks, we festooned our projects and our plpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog sarahinsouthkoreaIt's Eid-e- Milad today. Muslims traditionally celebrate Eid Miladun Nabi, the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) with fervor and enthusiasm. However, in 2013, the anniversary should provide another occasion for evaluating the position in which the country stands, because this Eid Milad is falling just before a general election. The people of Pakistan have to compare the sublime message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), the fraternity, mercy and peace that he preached, and the violence and mayhem being committed by Pakistanis quite frequently, claiming to massacre in the name of a religion which preaches peace towards all mankind. Eid - e - Milad also provides an opportunity for Pakistan to reflect on how well we have protected the weak in our own sopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Note to self.

From the Blog mehmudahrehman Hopelessness. A yearning that's never going to end. *Enough.* [image: Playing with fonts...] Playing with fonts… It's time to break free, It's time to hope again, It's time to remember that you will rise again, It's time to move on, time to forget, It's time to know that life's not always a scary threat, It's time to rekindle friendships, it's time to stop being cynical, Your deep mistrust in everyone is almost comical, Remember, each person is not alive just to tear you apart, It's time to perceive life with an open heart, It would be nice if you stopped wasting time, Use the days wisely, you are in your prime, There's only so much you can mope, Wherefore is that lovely thing called hope? Adversity? Why does it scare you so? That's how life is, don't you know? If yopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

[آج کا دن] ایک اننگز، دو ڈبل سنچریاں

From the Blog cricnamaبیرون ملک بھارت کی ناکامیوں کی حالیہ داستان طول پکڑتی جا رہی ہے اور اسی کا ایک باب گزشتہ سال دورۂ آسٹریلیا تھا جہاں بھارت کلین سویپ کی ہزیمت سے دوچار ہونا پڑا۔ یہ 2011ء میں دورۂ انگلستان کے تمام چار ٹیسٹ ہارنے کے بعد مسلسل دوسرا کلین سویپ تھا اور کم از کم ٹیسٹ کرکٹ میں بھارت کی حالیہ کارکردگی کے انتہائی زوال کی علامت بھی۔ بہرحال، آسٹریلیا کے اسی تاریخی کلین سویپ کے دوران گزشتہ سال آج ہی کے روز، یعنی 25 جنوری کو، آسٹریلیا کے موجودہ و سابق کپتانوں نے ایک انوکھا کارنامہ انجام دیا۔ مائیکل کلارک اور رکی پونٹنگ نے ڈبل سنچریاں داغ ڈالیں اور یوں ایک ہی اننگز میں ڈبل سنچریاں بنانے والی چوتھی آسٹریلوی جوڑی بن گئی بلکہ 47 سال بعد پہلی۔ ایڈیلیڈ میں کھیلے گئے اس ٹیسٹ مقابلے کے دوران 37 سالہ رکی پونٹنگ نے کیریئر کی چھٹی ڈبل سنچری بنائی جبکہ بھارت کے خلاف ان کی یہ تیسری ڈبل سنچری تھی۔ انہوں نے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2615484326386343619 Pakistani Blog Posts


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