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Sohail Shehzad – Naina (Official Music Video)

From the Blog pakium - Ads:Artist: Sohail Shahzad Song: Naina Director: Parmaish Adiwal Music By: Play Back Lounge D.O.P: Rana KamranWatch and listen to the music video below:This post, Sohail Shehzad – Naina (Official Music Video) , was originally published at… . Read Full PostComments

Whole in Your Soul

From the Blog andtwice - There's a hole in your soul, darling."Light Redemption" by StudioDavisBut what if it's there by design?… . Read Full PostComments

Altaf advises Rehman Malik to visit Qadri

From the Blog paknews - [image: Rehman-Malik] In a surprise move MQM chief Altaf Hussein has advised Rehman Malik to visit Lahore instead of London and have a meeting with Dr. Tahirul Qadri regarding Million March. Rehman Malik reached MQM headquarters London to meet with MQM chief in a bid to disassociate MQM from Million March. Dr. Tahirul Qadri held a successful public rally at Minar-i-Pakistan on December 27th and caused a stir in Pakistan politics. He gave many ultimatums to sitting government and threatened to march towards capital with at least four million. He vowed to remain peaceful and not to derai . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6118943111446769423 Pakistani Blog Posts


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