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An Aplogy From Team Ashiyana - North Waziristan

From the Blog ashiyanacamp - Dear all, اسلام و علیکم With due respect, this is to inform our all friends, volunteer on other locations, family members and respected readers that we have a very limited internet access with a lot of the power failure (electricity) problems here at Miransah, North Waziristan. Please accept our deep appology in this regards, We are in our best try to upload ""Waziristan Dairy"" on regular basis. Please remember us ""Team Ashiyana - North Waziristan"" in your prayers. Jazak ALLAH Team Ashiyana Ashiyana Camp, 1.5km, Miranshah, North Waziristan. محترم دوستوں اور ساتھیوں، اسلام و علیکم . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Mujhay Engineering Ka Shauk Tha.

From the Blog boredsince1991 - [image: 203607_139397656128267_1844385322_n] "I like engineering", that's what I used to reply whenever people, mostly friends of my dad, asked me what profession I am going to adopt. Oh! I loved engineering back then. And if it's possible I loved NUST even more. Then there were the times when I chased after different types of engineering. Wanted to be a chemical engineer originally until I faced the monstrous book of SSC and my fear of chemistry is as it is since then. Some one told me Petroleum Engineering doesn't include chemistry and it is really rewarding so got a crush on that on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

India Me Dil na Jetain Trophy Jetain – Talat Hussain

From the Blog columnpk - India Me Dil na Jetain Trophy Jetain - Talat Hussain . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

کرکٹ کی مانوس آواز ہمیشہ کے لیے خاموش، ٹونی گریگ چل بسے

From the Blog cricnama - ٹیلی وژن چینلوں پر کرکٹ میچز کے دوران ابھرنے والی ایک مانوس سی صدا آج ہمیشہ کے لیے خاموش ہو گئی، معروف تجزیہ کار اور انگلش ٹیم کے سابق کپتان ٹونی گریگ مختصر علالت کے بعد چل بسے۔ دو ماہ قبل اُن کے پھیپھڑوں میں سرطان کی تشخیص ہوئی تھی جو مہلک ثابت ہوا اور وہ آج 66 برس کی عمر میں سڈنی کے سینٹ ونسنٹ ہسپتال میں انتقال کر گئے۔ [image: ٹونی گریگ نے کرکٹ کو جدید انداز دینے میں کلیدی کردار ادا کیا تھا (تصویر: Getty Images)] ٹونی گریگ نے کرکٹ کو جدید انداز دینے میں کلیدی کردار ادا کیا تھا (تصویر: Getty Images) ٹونی گریگ رواں سال اگست و ستمبر میں متحدہ عرب امارات میں ہونے والی پاک-آسٹریلیا ایک ر . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

India is Rape Capital of World for Centuries

From the Blog pkhope - So she died in Singapore hospital after suffering for days and fighting for life after sustaining heart attack, a lung and abdominal infection and a severe brain wound. She is not alone, that is the story of almost every street in India. Dirt and women are the most cheap commodities out there. This is not new for your information. During the India and Pakistan partition, Muslim women were raped in abundance and then they were slaughtered and their bodies were thrown into Pakistan bound refugee trains. Some incidents happened here on Pakistani side too but they were very few and only . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

An Apology from Team Ashiyana - North Waziristan

From the Blog waziristandairy - Dear all, اسلام و علیکم With due respect, this is to inform our all friends, volunteer on other locations, family members and respected readers that we have a very limited internet access with a lot of the power failure (electricity) problems here at Miransah, North Waziristan. Please accept our deep apology in this regards, We are in our best try to upload ""Waziristan Dairy"" on regular basis. Please remember us ""Team Ashiyana - North Waziristan"" in your prayers. Jazak ALLAH Team Ashiyana Ashiyana Camp, 1.5km, Miranshah, North Waziristan. محترم دوستوں اور ساتھیوں، اسلام و علیکم ہ . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2647078191688547232 Pakistani Blog Posts


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