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wi-tribe gives a chance to win Samsung Galaxy S3

From the Blog news.paktron - Wi-Tribe Pakistan is giving a chance to its customers to Win Samsung Galaxy S3. The company has announced that 20 prizes are to be won through lucky draw, and existing customers can enter by clearing their bill before the due date. Read more » *© 2010 - 2012 Pakistan Live News* . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Boast Of Quietness

From the Blog MySojourn----- - Writings of light assault the darkness, more prodigious than meteors. The tall unknowable city takes over the countryside. Sure of my life and my death, I observe the ambitious and would like to understand them. Their day is greedy as a lariat in the air. Their night is a rest from the rage within steel, quick to attack. They speak of humanity. My humanity is in feeling we are all voices of the same poverty. They speak of homeland. My homeland is the rhythm of a guitar, a few portraits, an old sword, the willow grove's visible prayer as evening falls. Time is living me. More silent than my sh . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Team Ashiyana Members in Sohbat Pur (Balochistan)

From the Blog ashiyanacamp - محترم دوستوں اور ساتھیوں، اسلام و علیکم، الله پاک ہم سب پر اپنی رحمتیں، برکتیں نازل کرے اور ہم کو اپنی ہر آزمائش پر پورا اترنے اور کامیاب ہونے کی ہمت عطا کرے (آمین). محترم دوستوں اور ساتھیوں، ٹیم آشیانہ کے کارکنان اور ساتھی جو شمالی وزیرستان میں قائم آشیانہ کیمپ میں خدمات سر انجام دیتے رہے ہیں اور جو کچھ انہوں نے ٹیم آشیانہ کے ساتھ فلاحی کام کر کے سیکھا ہے. اسی جذبے کے تحت الله پاک کی عطا کی ہوئی ہمت، صبر، استقامت، حوصلہ کے ساتھ الحمد الله بارش اور سیلاب سے متاثرہ اپنے پاکستانی بھائی، بہنوں کیلئے فلاحی خدمات سر انجام دے رہے ہیں. کندھکوٹ (سندھ) اور آس پاس کے علاقوں میں فری میڈیکل کیمپ . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

[Review] Nokia Lumia 610

From the Blog globalnewsbulletin - TweetWindows Phone devices have primarily been high-end devices due to the high hardware requirements set by Microsoft. There have hardly been any device below the Rs. 22,000 mark, which for many is still the most they would spend on a smartphone. As such, that market is now completely dominated by Android devices due a complete [...] The post [Review] Nokia Lumia 610 appeared first on Global news bulletin. . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Managing Mondays

From the Blog getitoutofursystem - A Monday is usually dreaded by all ! Be it a working woman or a housewife. The reason is simple. We are seldom prepared for a Monday. It doesn't mean that you waste your Saturdays and Sundays in cleaning, washing and cooking in an attempt to free your Monday, it simply means to spend 20 or 30 minutes of your Sunday evening to avoid any hassle on a Monday morning. You might have gone to a late night dinner or attended a wedding on a Sunday night only to discover a lazy you on a Monday morning. You don't want to do anything but sleep and guess what ... everybody has to wake up early cos . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 28232583124338960 Pakistani Blog Posts


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