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Micheal Morgolis – A Story Teller Turned Ideas into Entrepreneurship

From the Blog hammadsiddiquiblog - For centuries, stories are great source of inspiration. People have been using stories to bond with other people for as long as human culture has existed- only the medium of communication has changed with time. Stories used to be told in gatherings, then in print form, moving into the realm of animation and movies as technology evolved. Now stories are a major part of the emerging digital landscape- serving the same purpose as before: allowing people to learn about the brands, businesses and persons that are a part of the digital world. By effectively utilizing the power of good story . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Don't Get Burnt

From the Blog https://iabhopal/2012/10/28/dont-get-burnt/ - *"Holding on to anger with the intent of hurting someone else, is like picking up a hot coal with the intention of throwing it.* *You are the one who gets burned"* Said by: Buddha . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4048494078211788299 Pakistani Blog Posts


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