Faisal might be laud, but what's it that he is saying?
From the Blog pkhope - Faisal Raza Abidi should be stopped from speaking and we from listening? No, it just can't be allowed, gagging orders are wrong and denial of our fundamental rights as ciitizens of Pakistan. While it might be right to castigate Faisal Reza Abidi for being cavalier, a bit too cavalier, vis a vis our Supreme Court CJ, Iftikhar Chaudhry and his, Mr Chaudhry's perceived misconduct. However, lets leave Faisal's tantrums aside for a while or better still let's not leave but get Feisal for behaving as he has been. Having said this, shouldn't we all be focusing on what Feisal is saying? — Fais . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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