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Social Media for the People by the People

From the Blog aurblog - > Social Media for the People by the People — In my last article, I pointed out a couple of brands that are using social media intelligently in their favor and making the most out of this new medium. In this article, I'm going to point of some people using Social Media to promote some cause or their product/service. Talal... . Read Full PostComments

How To Access Wi-Fi Scanner Tool In OS X And Tweak...

From the Blog RedmondPie - > How To Access Wi-Fi Scanner Tool In OS X And Tweak... — Although companies like Apple and Microsoft are continuously tweaking existing versions of their operating systems and building next-generation software to power PCs and Macs, it would all be pretty much useless without a connection to the internet. You would actually be extremely... . Read Full PostComments

RIM CEO Admits That They 'Seriously' Considered Dropping...

From the Blog RedmondPie - > RIM CEO Admits That They 'Seriously' Considered Dropping... — If you pulled together a focus group of average smartphone users and gathered their thoughts on the platforms which they believe are most relevant at the current time, then it is unlikely that BlackBerry and RIM would get a significant mention. There was a time when RIM were... . Read Full PostComments 7723740731418491529 Pakistani Blog Posts


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