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There Is Nothing In Olympos

From the Blog gypsy-therebirth - Rafting in freezing waterThere was nothing new for me in Istanbul. The tour guide Aica did not stop talking for a minute. My eyes were heavy because of lack of sleep and more so because I had already se… . Read Full PostComments

Rain, oh, rain.

From the Blog idare2differ - As much as I love sunbathing, the droplets of water falling down from the high heavens have a special place in my heart too. I can not deny that I absolutely adore the shining, scorching and grueling summer sun but in the same way, the rain that pours… . Read Full PostComments

Do you enjoy drinking blood? Try Sodastream

From the Blog wmir - > Do you enjoy drinking blood? Try Sodastream — Strange question isn't it. Well what else would one call a drink that's produced at a place where a family has been killed or thrown out of their home? What else would we call that drink if it's not blood of innocent little children who are beaten and there is no mercy to be... . Read Full PostComments 645930195780408551 Pakistani Blog Posts


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