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Pakistan Vs Spain – Review Olympics Hockey

From the Blog mylandpakistan - the sound of wood to woodOlympics have begun and this event taking place in London is talk of the town now, and turning into a global phenomena. From Pakistan this year 21 athletes have traveled to London to take part in four different sports… . Read Full PostComments

Survive the Toddler Years – Tantrums, Tolerance and Tough Love

From the Blog HousewifesUtopia - They are called the "terrible twos" for a reason. As your child makes the transition from baby to toddler, you may begin to wonder what happened to your sweet little baby and who is this monster that has replaced her. Before you st… . Read Full PostComments

Fraud Calls & Prize Schemes: Ufone alerts its customers

From the Blog fmcommunication - Ufone alerts its customers for Fraud Prize Schemes on mobile phone calls by launching a customers awareness campaign. Ufone would like to bring to your attention that among all the offers and schemes through which you can win a prize; some fraudulent individuals indulge in activities that may cause financial or other harm. Keep reading for more information regarding this customer awareness campaign. - Ufone tellls you to ensure all of the following when you receive a call about winning a prize: - Call is received only from 333 - No unimportant information is asked No b . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

یہ ہے میری کہانی۔۔۔

From the Blog emraaniqbal - مجھے سکون نہیں۔۔۔ نا نماز میں۔۔۔ نا قرآن میں۔۔۔ نا ماں باپ کی خدمت میں۔۔۔ نا بہن بھائی کے پیار میں۔۔۔ مجھے سکون نہیں۔۔۔ میں سو نہیں پاتا۔۔۔ میں ساری ساری رات سو نہیں پاتا۔۔۔ میں دفتر میں کام نہیں کر پاتا۔۔۔ کبھی میرا دماغ بلکل کورا ہوتا ہے لیکن مجھے سکون نہیں ہوتا۔۔۔ اور کبھی دماغ اور دل کی جنگ مجھے بدحواس کر دیتی ہے۔۔۔ کوئی چیز میں ایکسائیٹ نہیں کرتی۔۔۔ نا مجھ میں خوشی کا کوئی احساس ہے۔۔۔ اور نا ہی غم مجھے مرنے دیتا ہے۔۔۔ مجھے سکون نہیں۔۔۔ میں سکون کی تلاش میں پاگل ہو چکا ہوں۔۔۔ کوئی راستہ نظر نہیں آتا۔۔۔ ہر طرف اندھیرا دکھائی دیتا ہے اور کوئی چارہ گر ساتھ نہیں دکھتا۔۔۔۔ میں ک . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

25 & Above

From the Blog MySojourn----- - Its 12 am sharp on my clock and Monday has already started in this region. Getting up on Monday and to perform is definitely one big task that we do every week. So what's that reason which compelled me to be here and flip the coin, think about a very nicely knitted statement and write it down to win heart of many and get appreciation too? Well because I am lucky enough to find one reader who can actually relate to my abstract writing here and who visits me without getting any benefit or providing any benefit or being caustic and curious about my statement that I write in another stat . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Who is a male?

From the Blog ugghani - > Who is a male? — A male is the most beautiful God's creation BUT who starts compromising at very tender age.He sacrifices his chocolates for his sister.He sacrifices his dreams for just smile on his parents�face.He sacrifices his full youth for his wife and children by working late at without... . Read Full PostComments

Who is a male?

From the Blog ugghani - > Who is a male? — A male is the most beautiful God's creation BUT who starts compromising at very tender age.He sacrifices his chocolates for his sister.He sacrifices his dreams for just smile on his parents�face.He sacrifices his full youth for his wife and children by working late at without... . Read Full PostComments

APC in Pakistan is Like Virgin Widow

From the Blog pkhope - > APC in Pakistan is Like Virgin Widow — MQM has started a flimsy and dubious political maneuver of reaching out to all the political... Read More at . Read Full PostComments

Leaked iPhone Photo Images Confirm the rumored 4 inch...

From the Blog sizlopedia - > Leaked iPhone Photo Images Confirm the rumored 4 inch... — The next iPhone is around the corner and it is only natural that rumors of the new device keep growing larger in number with every passing day. But the rumor that has caught our attention, and the attention of many other popular blogs, the most is that the new iPhone will probably... . Read Full PostComments

Daily News Bulletin 30 July 2012

From the Blog pkpolitics - > Daily News Bulletin 30 July 2012 — Watch today's detailed News Bulletin from Dunya News aired at 9:00PM.... Read the rest . Read Full PostComments 7804160957199894120 Pakistani Blog Posts


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