Richard White
From the Blog hammadsiddiquiblog - Customers have more choices and less time. This fact is driving entrepreneurs crazy. They now need to listen to their customersmore carefully, otherwise danger is that they would lose a customer and bad name will spread quickly on social media. [image: User Voice - Richard White] User Voice Logo A dynamic entrepreneur, Richard White created UserVoice, a San Francisco based startup which aims at 'empowering customers to speak and companies to listen'. They do this by hosting and developing feedback and support systems for companies who want to connect to and gather feedback from their . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
شمالی وزیرستان: ٹیم آشیانہ کے فنڈز کی تفصیلات
From the Blog ashiyanacamp - اسلام و علیکم الله پاک کے فضل و کرم سے ٹیم آشیانہ شمالی وزیرستان کے علاقے دتہ خیل تک پہنچ چکی ہے، ٹیم کی قیادت سید عدنان علی نقوی بھائی کر رہے ہیں اور ٹیم کے کارکنان کے نام کچھ اس طرح ہیں: ١- سید عدنان علی نقوی (ٹیم انچارج) ٢- فراز احمد (انچارج کھانا / پکانا) ٣- احمد علی (انچارج ادویات) ٤- ماہم بی بی (انچارج خواتین) ٥ - بلال محسود (کارکن) ٦- خان بابا (کارکن) ٧- فیصل علوی (کارکن) ٨- ڈاکٹر نگہت خان (کارکن، ڈاکٹر) ٩- اکرم خان (کارکن) ١٠- منصور احمد بھائی (کارکن، انچارج تعلیم اور بچے) ١١- کچھ مقامی کارکن. ٹیم آشیانہ کا دوسرا گروپ پشاور اور اسلام آباد میں موجود ہے جو ٹیم کے فلاحی کاموں کے ل . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
DIY wall art/bulletin board
From the Blog javeriyasayeed - Hey dear followers! Here I am with another fun tutorial, basically its not a tutorial, just an idea that I wanted to share, so here it goes. [image: DIY wall art bulletin board] Basically I had these wooden frames and a square mirror which helped me bring about the whole thing. First I spray painted the wooden frames black and then through the rose flower tutorial from sew much ado I made the rose flowers. [image: DIY wall art bulletin board] [image: DIY wall art bulletin board] To the middle frame i stuck the square mirror where as to the side frames I stuck a cardboard covered wi . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Nokia AppCampus Internship Program with NED University
From the Blog globalnewsbulletin - TweetStudents from NED University were imparted training for the development of apps for S40 devices Nokia Pakistan partnered with NED University to announce one-of-a-kind app development internship program for its students. The program, which is called Nokia AppCampus Internship Program and is being offered in partnership with P@SHA and djuice, is aimed at inculcating app [...] . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Tenda Router allows PTCL EVO to become a Wi-Fi hotspot
From the Blog fmcommunication - PTCL has made an exciting introduction of 3G enabled Tenda router driven by Pakistan's fastest 3G EVO Wireless Broadband that creates a powerful Wi-Fi hotspot for its customers virtually anywhere. Tenda router is a portable 3G Wi-Fi router that converts EVO and Nitro dongles into a powerful Wi-Fi hotspot so that customers can have Internet connectivity for multiple users and multiple Wi-Fi devices at the same time. Tenda 3G EVO router is a battery powered 3G Wi-Fi router by Tenda which offers support for plug- in of EVO and Nitro USB modems to enable wireless internet connectivity for . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Noori – Jana Tha Hum Nay (Live at The Rock Musicarium)
From the Blog Koolmuzone - Artist: NooriSong: Jana Tha Hum Nay (Live)Album: Live at The Rock MusicariumYou can get the complete album from here.Take a listen to the amazing performance below:Credits:Vocals by Ali NoorVocals and Bass by… . Read Full Post
From the Blog cheers4all - Matlab uses the standard computer character code (the so-called ASCII code), Digital signal processing matlab code of the electronic information for image encryption and decryption . function varargout = finaldsppro(varargin) % FINALDSPPRO M-file for finaldsppro.fig % FINALDSPPRO, by itself, creates a new FINALDSPPRO or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = FINALDSPPRO [...] . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Dunya TV Hasb-e-Haal Program
From the Blog columnpk - Dunya TV Hasb-e-Haal Program . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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