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Punjab Technology University: Pakistan's First IT University Opens in Lahore

From the Blog columnpk - Tweet [image: 542076 398039800234632 1267168154 n Punjab Technology University: Pakistan's First IT University Opens in Lahore] LAHORE: Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said the first information technology university in the country is being set up in the provincial metropolis and special funds will be allocated for this purpose in the next financial year. He said the provincial government would provide free-of-cost land for the Punjab Technology University (PTU) which would be managed by an autonomous board for keeping the highest standard of computer education. The chief minister . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

اوور میں دو باؤنسرز کی اجازت، باؤلنگ پاور پلے کا خاتمہ، ایک روزہ کرکٹ کے لیے نئی تجاویز

From the Blog cricnama - آئی سی سی کی کرکٹ کمیٹی کی جانب سے ایک روزہ مقابلوں میں کچھ تبدیلیوں کی تجاویز پیش کی گئی ہیں جن میں باؤلر کو ایک اوور میں دو باؤنسرز کروانے کی اجازت اور باؤلنگ پاور پلے کو ختم کرنا بھی شامل ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ اجلاس میں یہ سفارش بھی کی گئی کہ چھوٹے دائرے سے باہر فیلڈرز کی تعداد پانچ سے گھٹا کر چار کر دی جائے۔ [image: رواں ماہ کوالالمپور میں آئی سی سی بورڈ کا اجلاس ان سفارشات کی توثیق کرے گا] رواں ماہ کوالالمپور میں آئی سی سی بورڈ کا اجلاس ان سفارشات کی توثیق کرے گا رواں ماہ کوالالمپور میں آئی سی سی بورڈاجلاس کمیٹی کی ان سفارشات کی توثیق کرے گا۔ اگر ان قوانین کا اطلاق ایک روزہ میچوں میں . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

I Don't Want Any Crazy Mojo Because I Love My Eyes

From the Blog https://writes2escape/2012/06/02/i-dont-want-any-crazy-mojo-because-i-love-my-eyes/ - This girl just bore the onslaught of project deadlines and presentations, and is currently studying/suffering. Finals. Here. The entire week had been so crazy, that I could have just asked the Illuminati to help me. After all, *hello? *Every one knows Beyonce's gyrating moves are just a huge symbolism for Illuminati's involvement. That's how everyone becomes a celeb overnight! They just call up the big dude and go, "Hey mayn, I'm ready to sell my soul, and have my own tub of money. Sure I'll go to hell and stuff but that's totes cool." and they probably have to cut a pure soul over a . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Fariha Pervez Dasht-e-Mohabbat (Audio Song)

From the Blog pakium - Artist: Fariha PervezSong: Dasht-e-MohabbatListen audio from YouTube video below: post, Fariha Pervez Dasht-e-Mohabbat (Audio Song) , was originally published at . Read Full PostComments

Watch the venus transit on early morning 6th June

From the Blog wiredpakistan - > Watch the venus transit on early morning 6th June . Read Full PostComments

Nouman Javaid & Fariha Pervez Tere Naina (Official...

From the Blog Koolmuzone - > Nouman Javaid & Fariha Pervez Tere Naina (Official... — Artists: Fariha Pervez & Nouman Javaid Song: Tere Naina Credits: Lyrics & Composition: Nouman Javaid Music Arranged by: Ahsan Pervaiz (Siege) Mix & Mastered By: Imran Khalil Video Directed by: Saqib Siddique Post: ZDS Productions Nouman Javaid & Fariha Pervez... . Read Full PostComments

This Tweak For iPad Allows Ten App Icons In The Multitasking...

From the Blog RedmondPie - > This Tweak For iPad Allows Ten App Icons In The Multitasking... — With the Chronic Dev Team, in conjunction with other members of The Jailbreak Dream Team, pushing out Absinthe 2.0 at the Hack In The Box Security Conference last week, there is undoubtedly going to be a lot more jailbroken iPads kicking around. Those owners of Apple tablets... . Read Full PostComments 4036645128421246900 Pakistani Blog Posts


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